Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Evening with the Kirchners

We had a great time this past Saturday evening with the Kirchner family. We met Charles, Julie, Zach, Brock, Grant, and Cali the first time we visited Church of the Open Door in Connellsville, PA, but we were able to get to know them better this past week while working with them in the VBS. They hosted us for an enjoyable dinner and relaxing evening in their yard. The Lord gave us excellent weather so were were able to really enjoy the outdoors.

As you can see in the collage, there was plenty to do. Everything from baseball to frogs! Charles and Julie were very hospitable. We grew to appreciate their servant hearts as we watched them work in VBS. Their labor is indicative of their faithfulness to the Lord in that local assembly. Liz and I also really enjoyed their children. After dinner, Julie's parents (Merl and Beverly Harbaugh) joined us. We had been staying with the Harbaugh's all week and had grown quite attached to them.

This is the best thing about deputation. We have met many different people, but I think the people of Church of the Open Door will stick out as very special to us for their sweet spirits. Thank you Kirchners for your kindness to us. We appreciate the fact that you extended friendship our way. God bless.
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Donna said...

So glad someone is taking care of you! Miss you!

TRBix said...

Good to hear some of your news and to see pictures of the people you've been getting to know. We miss you guys, too.