Friday, March 13, 2009

March/April 2009 Update

Dear Praying Friends and Ministry Partners,

We trust that our update finds you resting in the care of our Lord. He has blessed us over the past weeks with continual reminders of his grace in Christ toward us. We anticipate his work on our behalf over the next couple of months as we seek his will concerning ministry partners for our mission to France.

Meeting Report

The Lord allowed us to present our work at the end of January in Raleigh, NC, and at the beginning of February in Franklin, TN. We praise the Lord for the time we were able to spend with the dear believers in each of those churches. We’ve also had the privilege of presenting our mission to a couple of churches over the last few weeks. To our surprise, the Lord opened up a meeting for us at the last minute in a church located just down the road from us in Boiling Springs, SC. We had a good time of fellowship with the church and thank God for leading us to another group of believers who will intercede on our behalf. We participated in a missions conference in Asheboro, NC, the first week of March. The Lord blessed our time with that church as well.

Waiting to Hear

While we continue contacting churches for the purpose of setting up services, we are waiting to hear from other churches who are considering whether God will have them partner with our mission. We trust that the Lord will do his will in these matters. We thank God that we are very close to the 20% mark of our needed support. We know that he will increase that level as he sees fit.

Looking Ahead

We are grateful to report that the Lord has opened up some meetings for us. Many are for the latter part of the year, but in the near future, we have meetings in Pennsylvania April 19 and May 3 and a meeting in Tennessee May 24. We are also continuing our strategy of visiting churches in the Greenville-Spartanburg area in order to make personal contacts with the hope that God will open up meetings for us close to home as we wait for him to fill up our travel schedule.

Please Pray for Us

Writing this letter reminds us of the privilege it is to have fellow believers like you who are concerned for us and our mission. We thank God for the privilege of having met you and look forward to that time when we will spend eternity together in bliss. Until then, please continue to intercede for us. Please pray that . . .

1. God will accomplish sanctification in us through the deputation process.
2. We will trust God for his timing and have his wisdom concerning deputation. We need direction especially concerning how much longer Michael should work at UPS.
3. God will fill our meeting schedule for 2009 and 2010.
4. God will lead us to churches of a like mind who will partner with us by supporting us financially. We would like to be at the 25% level by the end of March.
5. God will use us to awaken Christians to the spiritual needs of the French and to Christ’s redemptive purposes for the world.
6. We will continue to grow and develop so that we will be useful tools for the Lord in France.
7. God will direct us to the right van for us to purchase in the near future.

Thank you for your encouragement and support both spiritually and financially. We thank God
for you!

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