Monday, July 12, 2010
We've moved
Monday, May 10, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
False Comforts When Death Is Near
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Radical by David Platt
Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream
By David Platt
Multnomah Books; 230 pages
Reviewed by A. Michael Cole
The book’s title, Radical, encapsulates the author’s message. Platt attempts to call his readers away from a self-indulgent, self-focused lifestyle. The book conveys Platt’s teaching to his mega-church and his mega-church’s response to his call for radical living. Platt writes popularly, inserting plenty of interesting stories and anecdotes to illustrate his points. Although the book is 230 pages (including end notes), most readers will find it a quick read—if they don’t pause to think. Those who take Platt seriously will find themselves reverting to self-examination and prayer.
Platt begins the book with the accusation that American Christianity as a whole has a created a safe, tamed Jesus who encourages its narcissism (13). He does not promise any easy answers, but he does invite the reader to join him and his church in seeking a true understanding of the cost of discipleship. According to Platt, this understanding requires that one “commit to believe whatever Jesus says” and 2) “commit to obey whatever Jesus says” (20).
Chapter 2 challenges the modern trend away from a commitment to the Bible. Based on visits with foreign Christians who risked everything to spend hour studying the Bible, Platt began something his church calls “Secret Church”: six hours on a Friday night for Bible study and prayer. Nothing else. Contrary to expectations, the buildings are filled to capacity for these meetings (27-28). His point is that Christians need to hunger for God and that God rewards such hunger with knowledge of himself.
Platt rehearses the call for a gospel centeredness that relies on God’s power for living and for evangelism. He seems especially intent on calling Christians to live with worldwide evangelism in focus. That does not mean that everyone must go, but that everyone must live with redemption in focus. He decries the division of missionary work into called and not called categories (72-73) and argues that everyone is called to influence the world for Christ.
He focuses his attention on the fact that discipleship of a few is the way for most Christians to carry out the missionary task (88-89). This requires a radical change from an inward focus to an outward focus that invests time and money into people (99-101). Platt distinguishes between people who arrive at church meetings to receive and those who attend in order to reproduce (99). The majority are receivers—they take no notes and have no intention of passing on what the learn. The others, reproducers, take notes and pay careful attention so they can pass on what they learn. This was a very convicting section.
Also, he challenges the purpose of church gatherings. Is it for the purpose of disinfecting or discipling? His point is that if we simply rejoice in how many come to be purified then we are missing the point of church gatherings. We should take more joy in how many are coming to be taught how to go out (103-104).
Finally, he challenges people to consider how much is enough when it comes to possessions. He encourages American Christians to ask God to reveal their blind spots when it comes to materialism. Specifically, he calls for believers to live below their means for the sake of the gospel. Also, he calls for believers to simplify their lives so they have time for others (chapter 6).
Platt’s book is helpful. His call for radical living is not new, but the unnatural nature of the message requires that it be given again and again. He avoids the trap of social gospel because he continually submits his call to God’s redemptive purposes for mankind. He also avoids the pitfall of an easy answer that aims at externals. He realizes that situations differ, so he focuses on the internal. I recommend this book as a helpful read, but also because it gives a year’s challenge for how to live radically. You can hear his pastoral care come out in his call for his church people (and readers) to do the following: 1) pray for the entire world, 2) read through the entire Word, 3) sacrifice (not give the excess) your money for a specific purpose, 4) spend your time in another context, and 5) commit your life to a multiplying community.