Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Confirm for us the work of our hands

"Let the favor of our Lord be upon us; and confirm for us the work of our hands; yes, confirm the work of our hands" (Ps. 90:17).

This past Monday (July 7) I successfully defended my doctoral dissertation. The credit for this goes to the Lord. He has been faithful to us over the entire course of this project, but his mercy has been especially evident over the past few months. Although the disappointment of failing to pass the first defense was acute, the Lord has worked grace in us in various ways. We have been forced to trust in his wisdom and love. I have been forced to humble myself. We have learned that our duty is to persevere through difficulties and that questioning the Lord's providence only clouds circumstances. Above all, we have been reminded of our Lord's loyal love toward us and his wisdom.

I am grateful for the many who have contributed toward the successful completion of this project. The people of Cleveland Park Bible Church have consistently encouraged me and prayed for me and my family. Chuck and Alice Mann (Liz's parents) have encouraged me and shown genuine interest in me. My parents (Rick and Brenda) have also supported us during the whole project. My professors have served me with their diligent and detailed reading of my dissertation. Their comments and suggestions have greatly improved the final result. All of these and more have contributed greatly to the success, but Liz deserves the most thanks. She has been a faithful companion to me during my schooling. She has worked jobs she did not really enjoy so I could focus on the project. She has encouraged me when I needed it, sympathized with me when I was down, and celebrated with me in prosperous times.

The defense went well, although the hours preceding it were a bit hectic. The Lord kept me calm and gave me a successful completion to the project. I have a few more corrections to make and then we will have finished this aspect of our lives.

I entered the Ph.D. course on the advice of a professor who told us to plan for 20 years down the road. I have no idea what is coming, but I trust that God will use the classes I have taken and this dissertation process for his glory.

Liz and I thank God for confirming the work of our hands and giving us a successful completion to this project.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Presentation at Lakeview Baptist

Liz and I are grateful for the opportunity we had
to present our work at Lakeview Baptist Church in Pickens, SC. Pastor Mike Belcher and the people of the church received us graciously and listened to us attentively. We enjoyed getting a taste of what their ministry is like and learning more about their passion to see our Lord exalted in their community. I had met brother Mike previously through a mutual friend. He is a serious pastor, committed to reaching his community and discipling his flock.
Pastor Belcher allowed me to give our team mission to the church and then preach. I preached from the end of Matthew 11 concerning the essence of the gospel and the importance of correctly defining it in light of our mission to France. Following the service, we spent time talking with fellow Christians and were warmed by their concern for us and their desire to encourage us concerning our mission. As always, Viviane was the most popular member of our family, but the people of Lakeview showed Liz and me great kindness as well. We thank the Lord for the opportunity to present our ministry to this group of brothers and sisters.